Working Group Medical Radiation Physics
Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe
The Working Group Medical Radiation Physics is part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Oldenburg and essential contributor to the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen.
The offices and accelerators are located on the Medical Campus of Pius-Hospital. Therefore the research environment is strongly influenced by questions regarding the applicability in clinical practice combined with physical background and scientific exactness.
Cooperation with PTW was intensified in 2001 when the group joined the project for the development of the 2D-ARRAY seven29. Several applications such as IMRT plan verification and quality assurance routines have been introduced since then. In addition, international training sessions are held in Oldenburg and abroad too if desired in cooperation with the PTW Dosimetry School.
PTW's DAVID system for in-vivo verification of conformal and intensity modulated radiation fields is being developed in collaboration with the group. The DAVID system was awarded the innovation price of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO) in 2006.
In addition, new detector types and measuring systems such as point detectors for dose measurements with high spatial resolution or the OCTAVIUS 1000 SRS system for stereotactic measurements are regularly evaluated for clinical applicability in Oldenburg.
Moreover sophisticated signal processing methods for dosimetry such as the characterisation and deconvolution of the volume related low-passband effects and spectral dependent correction factors are developed in Oldenburg and partly integrated into PTW software such as MEPHYSTO or VeriSoft.
Comprehensive PTW measuring and quality control equipment is also used in our routine work in medical physics.