Free access DETECTING AUTOMATION BIAS IN AI AUTOCONTOURING (P. Doolan et al) Poster, RCR Global AI conference AIQUALIS Monte Carlo
Implementierung einer Konstanzprüfung der Röhrenspannung, Röntgendosis und Halbwertsschichtdicke mit dem Nomex Multimeter, PTW Freiburg, für die Bildgebung in der Strahlentherapie (A. Sparenberg et al.).
Analytic calculations and synthetic shapes for validation of quantitative contour comparison software (Djamal Boukerroui et al) Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology Volume 26, April 2023, 100436 AIQUALIS
Assessment of manual adjustment performed in clinical practice following deep learning contouring for head and neck organs at risk in radiotherapy (Charlotte L. Brouwer et al) Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology Volume 16, October 2020, Pages 54-60 AIQUALIS
Real-world analysis of manual editing of deep learning contouring in the thorax region (Femke Vaassen et al) Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology Volume 22, April 2022, Pages 104-110 AIQUALIS
Monitoring Variations in the Use of Automated Contouring Software (Kelly A. Nealon et al) Practical Radiation Oncology Volume 14, Issue 1, January–February 2024, Pages e75-e85 AIQUALIS
Implementation of a constancy test of X-ray tube voltage, dose and half-value layer thickness in radiotherapy imaging using the Nomex multimeter (PTW Freiburg), A. Sparenberg et al. NOMEX
PP13.08 Characterization of flashDiamond Detectors for Reference Dosimetry at FLASH Radiotherapy with Electrons A. Schüller, C. Weber, R. P. Kapsch, R. Kranzer Abstracts / Physica Medica 125S1 (2024) S1–S510, S307-308 flashDiamond
OC-0283 Diamond detectors as a powerful real-time tool for commissioning UHDR electron beams in water A Gasparini, G Felici, F Galante, F Gomez, R Kranzer, G Mariani, ... Radiotherapy and Oncology 170, S243-S244 flashDiamond